To teach students to express themselves and to understand simple questions and dialogues about events in their daily lives
Cédille(ç), sounds(p)(b); understanding positive and negative opinions; making a purchase from a book shop; fixing a meeting on telephone; eating in a restaurant
telling an itinerary; understanding and giving contradictory arguments; the recycling of garbage. sounds(b,v,o); understanding a tourist pamphlet
French songs; asking questions on a text; identifying different registers of language, understanding a chronological story
Accents : aigu, grave, circonflexe. Telephonic conversations; identifying situations and accordingly saying yes/no
characterize someone; understanding a meterological bulletin; sounds(a)
2) Audio CD (CONNEXIONS-1)
1)Larousse compact dictionary : Fre->Eng./Eng.->Fre
2) Conjugaison – Le Robert & Nathan
3) Larousse grammaire francaise
4) Grammaire collection “Le Nouvel Entrainez-Vous”, level debutant