Linguistics : The branches of linguistics; the scientific character of linguistics; some basic concepts : spoken /written language, synchrony /diachrony normative /descriptive linguistics, langue /parole, com -petence /performance, discrete/continuum, expression /content; sign ; its arbitrary nature; significant/ signifié; Phonetics of French : Fundamentals of phonetics; phonemes; different fields and branches of phonetics such as physiological, physical and experimental as also general, comparative,diachronic, synchronic, corrective, combinatorial and functional phonetics; phonation; organs of speech production and of articulation
Linguistics : verbal structure; sentence as structure;type and material of a sentence : obligatory and optional types; exercises with different types; the immediate constituents of sentence : nominal phrases
Phonetics of French : the IPA (international phonetic alphabet) : transcription and retranscription from and to text |
Linguistics : the immediate constituents of sentence : verbal and prepositional phrases; syntagm & paradigm Phonetics : the phenomenon of liaison : mandatory, optional and prohibited liaisons, exercises |
Llinguistics : linguistic neighbourhood; frame-testing; commutation & permutation; excrcises Phonetics : ; elision; rhythmic, basic and breathing groups in French.
Phonetics & phonology
Phonetics & phonology