A Study of French Literature & History of French Literature

Paper Code: 
FRN 502
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 


History of literature : very  brief & quick review of the major periods before19th century from Greek tragedy through the Middle ages, Renaissance, Classicism, Enlightenment

History of literature : Romanticism

A study of literature (poetry, short story & novel) : Le Cor (Vigny)


Unit II: 


History of literature : Romanticism

A study of literature (poetry, short story & novel) : Le Vallon (Lamartine)


Unit III: 

History of literature : Romanticism,  the Parnasse movement, Realism, Naturalism

A study of literature (poetry, short story & novel) : La Beatrice (Baudelaire) + Le poete Mistral (des « Lettres de mon moulin » d’Alphonse Daudet)


Unit IV: 

History of literature : second  half of 19th century : realism, naturalism, symbolism

A Study of literature  (poetry, short story & novel) : Le Bateau ivre (Rimbaud) + Le poete Mistral (des « Lettres de mon moulin » d’Alphonse Daudet)



Unit V: 


History of literature : : second  half of 19th century : realism, naturalism, symbolism

Study of literature texts (poetry, short story & novel) :

Guignon (Mallarme) 

+ Le poete Mistral (des « Lettres de mon moulin » d’Alphonse Daudet)



Essential Readings: 
  • Le Nouveau Sans Frontieres-vol. 3
  • Conte : Le poete Mistral (des « Lettres de mon moulin » d’Alphonse Daudet)
  • An anthology of French poetry – Ed. by Mr. Gabriel,
  • Poems :
    • Le Cor : Vigny
    • Le Vallon : Lamartine
    • La Beatrice : Baudelaire
    • Le Bateau ivre : Rimbaud
    • Guignon : Mallarme 



  • L’histoire de la France – CLE intrernational
  • Les grandes etapes de la litterature francaise -  Dr. Charles Cadoux
  • La litterature francaise - CLE intrernational
  • La poesie - CLE international
  • Le theatre - CLE international
  • Le roman - CLE international
  • Grammar : Le Nouvel Entrainez- vous – (advanced level) - CLE intrernational



Academic Year: