This paper will seek to focus on
Brief introduction to Greek tragedy, its themes, principles and the works of Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides, Arrival of Christianity; the Crusades; Socio-political & cultural condition of France in the Middle Ages; the major ‘cycles’ of poetic and prose works,
the major ‘cycles’ of poetic and prose works (contn,) study of excerpts from “Chanson de Roland”
Villon Socio-political & cultural condition prevailing in France before and during the “Renaissance”; Ronsard and La Pleiade; Study of complete text of the poem “La ballade des pendus”(Villon) Study of complete texts of the poems “France, mere des arts..” & “Heureux qui comme Ulysse..”(Du Bellay) and of “A Cassandre” and “Il faut laisser maisons..” (Ronsard)
Socio-political & cultural condition prevailing in France before and during the “Renaissance” Excerpts from “Gargantua” (Rabelais)_
Socio-political & cultural condition prevailing in France before and during the “Renaissance” Study of two essays by Montaigne
(Apart from the literary texts mentioned in the programme) :