In this paper we shall closely study extracts or complete texts of classics generally accepted as representative of the major phases/movements of the rich literature of the 19th century.
The ages/movements covered are : romanticism, parnasse, realism, naturalism, symbolism).
Intoductory lecture on the century, the movements and the authors to be studied;“La bouteille a la mer”(Vigny)
Intoductory lectures on the century, the movements and the authors to be studied; extcerpts from “Hernani”(Hugo)
“L’Art”(Gautier), “Le collier”(Maupassant) “Harmonie du soir” (Baudelaire)
“Voyelles”, “Le bateau ivre” (Rimbaud),
Le cygne (Mallarme) “Art poetique” (Verlaine),
Histoire de la litterature francaise, Lanson
Manuel des etudes litteraires Francaises : Castex et Surer, Hachette
An anthology of French poetry, Oxford
History of French literature : Cazamian
Litterature francaise : Lagarde et Michel