dealing with unexpected visits, + reading texts/documents(seen/unseen) and discussing them, expression of doubt & certainty + reading texts/documents(seen/unseen) and discussing them |
checking & verifying, + reading texts/documents(seen/unseen) and discussing them, commenting/interpreting works of art + reading texts/documents(seen/unseen) and discussing them
playing roles in improvised situations of communication + reading texts/documents, questions to test knowledge of literary history & the texts
playing roles in improvised situations of communication + reading texts/documents (seen/unseen) and discussing them + questions to test knowledge of literary history & the texts
playing roles in improvised situations of communication + reading texts/documents (seen/unseen) and discussing them + questions to test knowledge of literary history & the texts
1) Le Nouveau Sans Frontieres-vol. 3/Connexions
1) L’histoire de la France – CLE intrernational
2) Les grandes etapes de la litterature francaise - Dr. Charles Cadoux