(Introduction à la linguistique et la phonétique du francais )

Paper Code: 
FRN 221
Unit I: 

Llinguistics :   The branches of  linguistics; the

 scientific character of linguistics; some basic concepts :

 spoken /written language, synchrony /diachrony normative /descriptive linguistics, langue /parole, com -petence /performance, discrete/continuum, expression /

content; sign ; its arbitrary nature; significant/ signifié;



Phonetics of French :  Fundamentals of phonetics; phonemes; different fields and  branches of phonetics such as physiological, physical and experimental as also general, comparative,diachronic, synchronic, corrective, combinatorial and functional phonetics; phonation; organs of speech production and of articulation     

Unit II: 

Llinguistics :  moneme /phoneme; double articulation & economy ; the circuit of speech; encoding/decoding ; redundancy;  the diagram of the six functions; dominant function ;  

Phonetics of French : detailed classification of  vowels and consonants according to their characteristics (e.g. oral/nasal/muted/sounded/open/closed  vowels &  as per their manner or their place of articulation : vibrant/ fricative/ occlusive  or labialized/ labiodental /dental/palatal/guttural consonants)

Unit III: 

Llinguistics :  verbal structure; sentence as structure;

type and material of a sentence : obligatory and optional types; exercises with different types; the immediate constituents of  sentence : nominal phrases


Phonetics of French : the IPA (international phonetic alphabet) : transcription and retranscription from and  to text

Unit IV: 

Llinguistics : the immediate constituents of  sentence :  verbal and prepositional phrases;  syntagm & paradigm


Phonetics : the phenomenon of liaison : mandatory, optional and prohibited liaisons, exercises

Unit V: 

Llinguistics : the immediate constituents of  sentence :  verbal and prepositional phrases;  syntagm & paradigm

Phonetics : the phenomenon of liaison : mandatory, optional and prohibited liaisons, exercises

Essential Readings: 


  1. Comment s’initier a la linguistique ?: Francois Dubois Charlier & Danielle Leeman, Larousse


Phonetics & phonology

  1. Phonetique : que sais-je? : Malmberg, Seuil 
  2. Initiation a la phonetique : JacquelineM.C.Thomas, PUF







  1. Linguistique generale : J. Lyons,   Larousse
  2. Elements de linguistique generale :Andre Martinet, A.Colin
  3. Initiation a la linguistique, Baylon etFable, Fernand Nathan
  4. A short history of linguistics : Robins, Longmans


Phonetics & phonology


  1. La description phonologiquque :Martinet, Droz


Academic Year: