French Grammar & History Of French Literature

Paper Code: 
FRN 332
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Grammar :  recapitulation of first and second year grammar : past perfect & imperfect; subjunctive present; future; anteriority(pluperfect & ant. future);+ the preterite past; subjunctive perfect

[History of literature : a brief & rapid review of the major periods before 19th century. from Greek tragedy through the Middle ages, Renaissance, Classicism, Enlightenment is done.

However, questions are to be set only from the core syllabus, comprising the 19th and the 20th century movements].  




Grammar : recapitulation of first and second year grammar: all series of pronouns(relative, personal,

Demonstrative…);conditional sentences; expression of cause, goal etc.

 History of literature : first half of 19th century : romanticism, the Parnasse movement



Grammar : expression of opposition; present participle/gerundive

History of literature : second half of 19th century realism, naturalism, symbolism




Grammar : past anterior; subjunctive imperfect

History of literature : 20th century : dadaism, surrealism, existentialism





Grammar : relating/reporting an event in indirect speech; :  expression of possibility/probability

History of literature : 20th century : theatre of the absurd, the new novel





Essential Readings: 

1) L’histoire de la France – CLE intrernational

2) Les grandes etapes de la litterature francaise -  Dr. Charles Cadoux

3) La litterature francaise - CLE intrernational

4) La poesie - CLE intrernational

5) Le theatre - CLE intrernational

6) Le roman - CLE intrernational

7) Grammar : Le Nouvel Entrainez- vous – (advanced level) - CLE intrernational


Academic Year: