Tu ou vous?; masculin/feminin; the numbers from 0 to 16;alphabets, some signs. ; The definite articles :le, la les ; je, tu, il/elle, vous ;interrogation by intonation |
quel, quelle (age, adress, number of telephone) ; verbs :être, avoir, habiter, s’appeler, travailler, apprendre ; adjectivs of nationality, numbers from 17 to 69 ; language of internet, sports, professions
c’est/il est. adjective possessive(1)’ article partitive ;on=nous; negation : ne….pas; yes /no/ of course.
Conjugation of verbs ending in-er; numbers after 69; near future = aller+verb; imperative mood: écoute! allez! indicators of time(1)
plural of nouns; there is/are; nous, ils/elles; modal verbs : pouvoir, vouloir; aller; months of the year; expressions with the verb avoir; Interrogation with Est-ce que.