Francais de l’hotellerie et du tourisme

Paper Code: 
FRN 321

The paper is offered with a view to strengthening the students’ skills in conducting themselves and executing language tasksin the said fields through study, simulation and enacting  of modules besides the acquisition of the specialized vocabulary, terminology  and  some domain knowledge of  gastronomy, hospitality, tourism and aviation.

* (The final content of this particular  paper is likely to be both more voluminous than and slightly different from the syllabi given in the boxes below - depending on the choice of manual(s) under consideration).

Unit I: 

Detailed knowledge of gastronomical & culinary terms of all  kinds : of every type of food group and of cutlery, crockery, furniture, equipments and accessories used in the production of food,verbs most frequentlyused in writing recipes;

Unit II: 

verbs most frequently used in writing recipes; French regional dishes; The syntax of a French menu; personnel

in a hotel and restauranmt, situational dialogue for hospitality industry

Pertinent  chapters  from the manuals and books prescribed

Unit III: 

Vocabulary & situational dialogue pertaining to accountancy, finance and management

Pertinent  chapters/exercises from the manuals and books prescribed

Unit IV: 

Vocabulary & situational dialogue pertaining to accountancy, finance and management

Pertinent  chapters/exercises from the manuals and books prescribed

Unit V: 

Project  on tourism in Jaipur / Rajasthan

  1. Le francais de l’hotellerie et dutourisme, Dany, Laloy ; Hachette
  2.  French for management & tourism Industry : B.Bhattacharya
  3. Francais commercial : 350 exercices :Corado, Sanchez : Hachette
Academic Year: